
How to be a Member
Be a part of the Sri Lankan Scientific Community
Online Application
Fill-in the SLAAS online application
Offline Application
Download the SLAAS application form
Download the SLAAS ID card application
Choose the most suitable membership category and the section.
Submit filled applications with the fee
Associate Member
Undergraduates of Sri Lankan Universities.
Right to attend all meetings, other than Business Meetings, to take part in discussions, and to make a presentation, co-authored with a Member, at an Annual Session.
Associate Member
Persons interested in science.
Right to attend all meetings, submit presentations through a Member, and to take part in discussions.
Cooperate Member
Corporate bodies engaged in or closely associated with the pursuit, promotion or application of science.
Right to be represent by not more than two nominees at meetings other than Business Meetings. Such nominees have the right to make presentations, provided they hold the qualifications required for a Member.
Persons with recognized scientific qualifications or persons who in the opinion of the Council have made contributions to scientific knowledge.
Right to attend all meetings of the Association, to make presentations at the Annual Session, to take part in discussions, to vote on any matter coming up for discussion & to fill any office.
Membership Category and Subscription Fees
Membership Category | Annual Subscription | Annual Renewal | Life Membership |
Student Member | Entrance Fee: Rs. 500/- Annual Subscription: Rs. 1,000/- |
Annual Renewal Fee: Rs. 1,000/- | Not Available |
Associate Member | Entrance Fee: Rs. 500/- Annual Subscription: Rs. 1,000/- |
Annual Renewal Fee: Rs. 1,000/- | Not Available |
Cooperate Member | Entrance Fee: Rs. 500/- Annual Subscription: Rs. 5,000/- |
Annual Renewal Fee: Rs. 5,000/- | Not Available |
Member | Entrance Fee: Rs. 500/- Annual Subscription: Rs. 2,000/- |
Annual Renewal Fee: Rs. 2,000/- | Entrance Fee: Rs. 500/- Member for Life: Rs. 10,000/- |
Application Submission and Other Requirements
Other Documents
You are required to attach copies of certificates in support of your scientific qualifications. The copies have to be certified as true copies by the member of SLAAS who is either proposing or seconding your application.
Applicants are encouraged to seek Membership for Life. In the event the applicant wishes to pay subscription annually, the applicant is advised to make the payment through a Bank Order/Online Payment to ensure payment on time.
Online Payment Infomation
Bank: Bank of Ceylon
Branch: Torrington Branch
Name of the Account: Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science
Account number: 87980529
Swift code: BCEYLKLX
Bank & Branch Code: 7010 – 453
All members are expected to attend the Business Meeting of the Section which is generally held during the first day of the Scientific Sessions of the Annual Session. You will get an opportunity to be nominated to the Sectional and other Committees only by attending the Business Meetings regularly.
Every Life member is issued a Membership Identity Card which costs Rs. 1000.00. Member should provide two coloured photographs. One photograph should be certified by a Head of the Department or Attorney at Law or Justice of Peace.
Please return the duly completed Application Form, proposed and seconded by two members who are not in arrears, along with certified copies of academic certificates and a cheque drawn in favour of SLAAS (crossed A/C Payee).
Online Payment information
Bank: Bank of Ceylon
Branch: Torrington Branch
Name of the Account: Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science
Account Number: 87980529
Swift code: BCEYLKLX
Bank & Branch Code: 7010 – 453
Money Orders will not be accepted.
More Information
For further details, please contact SLAAS:
Phone – 0112688740
Phone / Fax – 0112691681